Startec supplied two (2) 60 percent compressors to service the de-ethanizer overhead gas stream from our process skid. Integrating the various components of this facility (de-ethanizer, propane sub-cooler, and overhead compressors) optimized equipment design and layout. The four-throw, single-stage compressors are driven by 1,200 hp motors on VFD (variable frequency drive) and were shipped to northern Alberta as single skids in fully completed buildings, ready for quick installation and operation. Startec worked with the client’s operators to design the oil supply and return systems to eliminate the handling of barrels. We also consulted with them to adjust piping for accessibility to the suction screen without use of a crane, saving significant costs and providing a safer operation.
Description of Equipment Provided:
Arial JGJ/4 four-throw compressor to move 13.5 MMSCFD of overhead gas from 245 psig to 735 psig
1,200 hp Teco Westinghouse motor, compatible with VFD from 900 rpm up to 1800 rpm
Air-X-Changers (Harsco) Aerial Cooler with 30 hp motor for process cooling, taking the gas from 211 F to 110 F with a duty of 2,366,000 BTU/hr
30” OD x 96” S/S suction scrubber
Spartan Controls DeltaV Control Panel to integrate with facility-wide system
Self-framing building with unit heaters and explosion-proof exhaust fans