Industrial Gasses | Oil and Gas | Petrochemical | Projects

Progress Energy, Three Hydrocarbon Liquids Recovery Plants

A picture of Progress Energy, Three Hydrocarbon Liquids Recovery Plants

Caribou (100 MMSCFD)
Caribou South (100 MMSCFD)
Altares (100 MMSCFD)
Northeast British Columbia
All three Progress Energy plants were completed on schedule and averaged under 3% change from the original contract price.

Basic Description of Equipment Provided
One (1) Process Skid includes Gas Chiller, De-Ethanizer Reboiler, De-Ethanizer Tower, Glycol Regeneration with pumps & filter.
One (1) Refrigeration Skid includes two (2) x 50% refrigerant compressors 500hp each c/w Suction Scrubber, Economizer and Propane filter dryer.
Shipped loose components:
Three (3) Gas-Gas exchanger bundle
Two (2) Gas-Liquid exchanger bundle
One (1) combined Refrigerant Condenser/CLOW Cooler
C3 + Product Cooler
One (1) 48” OD X 360” S/S Refrigerant Receiver
One (1) 72” ID X 360” S/S Low Temperature Separator