This Startec-designed mechanical refrigeration unit (MRU) is one of the largest single-train units built in western Canada.
Always searching for a better way, the Startec team provided an innovative design, which removes much of the water that is entrained in the gas due to sour processing by the amine plant. This design provided lower propane chiller and Ethylene Glycol injection duties, which offers significant savings on capital and operational expenses. The advanced design also allowed a compact plot plan layout so that, unlike most MRU’s, we were able to avoid mounting the very large gas/gas exchangers up high on large structural steel. This added to the economic savings and provided better operational access.
One (1) Gas/Gas Gas/Liquid Exchanger Skid Package.
One (1) Chiller Skid, C/M Separator in a Shop Erected Building.
One (1) De-Ethanizer Skid C/W Feed Drum, Reboiler HEX, and De-Eth tower in a Shop Erected Building.
One (1) De-Ethanizer Skid C/W De-Ethanizer Reboiler, Feed Drum, De-Ethanizer tower in a Shop Erected Building.
One (1) Ethylene Gylcol Regen Process Skid C/W Inlet Filter Coalescer, Flash Tank, Regenerator Reboiler/Surge, Lean/Rich Exchanger, Still Column, Injection Pumps, Filters in a Shop Erected Building.
One (1) Refrigeration Compression Skid C/W.
Two (2) x 2000HP EMD Propane Screw Compressors each with Oil Separators, Lube and Cooling System, Control Panels in a Shop Erected Building.
One (1) Common Suction Scrubber, Economizer, Subcooler Skid.
One (1) Accumulator Skid with Propane Dryers.
Shipped loose:
Refrigerant Aerial Condensers