Neil became a member of the Startec family of everyday mavericks in 2002, starting in the Shipping, Receiving and Parts department. After moving into the Construction group, he entered the Refrigeration apprenticeship program from which he received his journeyman certification in 2009. Neil's broad experience, spanning from recreational and industrial refrigeration to the oil and gas market, allows him to provide innovative technical solutions for our customers.

With his background in field service as well as sales and construction, Neil's diverse talents are now utilized in bidding tenders, and providing oversight in new construction projects, existing facility modifications, and start up and commissioning. Employing an honest and straight-forward approach, Neil also solves ongoing construction challenges and provides assistance in troubleshooting difficult process related issues.

An Everyday Maverick Is...
Someone who strives to change the norm, in order to help customers.

My Everyday Maverick Moment...
I'm not afraid to say what's on my mind. I believe honesty and integrity are the key to happiness.

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